
  • Ice Cold Nuka Cola Quantum
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 7. 22:58
    What is nuka cola quantum used for

    Nuka Cola Quantum Code

    Ice Cold Nuka Cola Quantum

    Fallout 4 Ice Cold Nuka Cola Quantum

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    Nothing like an Ice Cold Nuka Cola Quantum after a long day in the Wasteland. Would you be able to chill a nuka quantum? They are radioactive right? So wouldnt they be warm if not actually hot right? Save; IHaveAGloriousBeard 1 point 2 points 3 points 2 years ago. Ice Cold Nuka Cola Quantum is an actual in-game item, so yes, it can be.

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    Another thing I thought would make sense was merging this two perks together, after all they both allow the player to make the rare Nuka Colas from the two games and both perks can be picked at level 22 and both require a high science skill ( 70 science and 90 science). I would suggest removing the Quantum one and making the Nuka Chemist perk give the player a recipe to make Nuka Quantum in addition to the other three recipes.Perk description:'You have unraveled some of the greatest mysteries of pre-War masters: formula for developing special Nuka-Colas! This perk unlocks special Nuka-Cola recipes at the workbench.' It was exactly to avoid mistakes like this that I decided to have a fresh TTW install instead of using the one that I have been playing since I first installed TTW that version had seen so many fixes and patches and files and whatever that I start noticed stuff that was supposed to be fixed wasn't (like some duplicate perks, or the LOD of trees and other small stuff) so to get rid of all of those I just reinstalled TTW on a fresh FNV game and started the game again. That Quantum and Nuka chemist was on my suggestion list that I made after I got 1.4a the first time, so I posted it only to think about checking it in the fresh install after you mentioned it was already fixed.I will try and come up with good suggestions to compensate for this mistake.

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